2021年3月-- 至今: bw必威西汉姆联官网,副教授;
2015年3月-- 2021年3月:bw必威西汉姆联官网,讲师;
2011年9月-- 2014年12月:哈尔滨工业大学,数学专业,博士
1. 2017年主持国家级项目《时滞反应扩散方程的高余维分支研究及其在浮游生态系统中的应用》;
2. 2018年主持国家级项目《时滞反应扩散方程的余维2分支及应用研究》;
3. 2020年主持省部级项目《浮游生态系统的时空复杂性研究》。
Wang Yong, Zhou Xu, Jiang Weihua, Bifurcations in a diffusive predator-prey system with linear harvesting, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 169 (2023): 113286.
Wang Yong, Zhou Xu, Jiang Weihua, Turing instability and pattern formation in a diffusive Sel'kov–Schnakenberg system, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 61.5 (2023):1036-1062.
Wang Yong, Zhou Xu, Jiang Weihua,Qi liangping, Bifurcations and turing patterns in a diffusive Gierer–Meinhardt model, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 27(2023):1-22.
Wang Yong, Bifurcation analysis in a diffusive phytoplankton -zooplankton model with harvesting, Boundary Value Problems 2021.1(2021):1-14.
Lv Yunfei, Pei Yongzhen, Wang Yong, Bifurcations and simulations of two predator-prey models with nonlinear harvesting, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 120(2019):158-170.
Wang Yong, Jiang Weihua, Bifurcations in a delayed differential-algebraic plankton economic system,Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation,7.4(2017):1431-1447.
Yuan Rui,Jiang Weihua, Wang Yong, Non-resonant double Hopf bifurcation in toxic phytoplankton-zooplankton model with delay,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,27(2017):1750028.
Yuan Rui,Jiang Weihua, Wang Yong, Saddle-node-Hopf bifurcation in a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with time-delay and prey harvesting,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 422(2015):1072-1090.
Wang Yong, Wang Hongbin, Jiang Weihua, Hopf-transcritical bifurcation in toxic phytoplankton-zooplankton model with delay,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,415(2014):574-594.
Wang Yong, Wang Hongbin, Jiang Weihua,Stability switches and global Hopf bifurcation in a nutrient-plankton model,Nonlinear Dynamics,78(2014):981-994
Wang Yong, Wang Hongbin, Stability and Selective Harvesting of a Phytoplankton Zooplankton System, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014:1-11.
Wang Yong, Jiang Weihua, Wang Hongbin, Stability and global Hopf bifurcation in toxic phytoplankton-zooplankton model with delay and selective harvesting, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013,73(2013):881-896. <出版著作/教材> 1.《Matlab基础教程》,复旦大学出版社,2019年